In this day & age, we have become flaky human beings. We don’t hold on tight to our values, our thoughts, our dreams, ready to sell them out to the the first alternative that is thrown at us. But these alternatives are purposely put in front of us to influence our decisions. There is no other side of the story unless we look for it. The sharks don’t need violence anymore to have the little fish for dinner, they don’t even need to hunt; They lure them right to them by making them feel they need to go in a certain direction, and they fall for it. Just like in Finding Nemo, remember the fish stuck in the net at the end? Fish run in packs and are easily influenced by what the other fish are doing. They also panic easily & follow, using no mind of their own. You may have gathered that 99% of the population is the little fish caught in the net that the sharks are having for dinner.
I don’t know at what point we decided to stop questioning, but the truth is it is a very, very bad habit. The media is controlled by billion dollar corporations, to broadcast messages that are made to make you feel a certain way about certain things, and of course, to also BUY & consume certain things. It doesn’t matter whether it is an advertisement, a documentary, a tv show, a news report.. It’s all the same. Most of us know this, so why do we keep falling for it?
Why are you ok with having no mind of your own? It’s perfectly fine to disagree with what mass population is saying and thinking. Why are we so afraid to be different?
Studying the law of attraction they mention we rely so often on our 5 senses (touch, smell, taste, sight & hearing) that we've forgotten about the 6th : intuition. That little voice that nudges at you sometimes? It's there for a reason, and we need to start paying attention. Whether it’s a divine idea that came to you in your dream, a feeling you have about a new co-worker, a decision or ANYTHING else, you need to start trusting yourself.
I started Sex Kitten years ago.. I was a teen & the expression “You’re such a Sex Kitten” came up. I don’t know why but a lightbulb came on & it stuck. I loved it. I felt like it completely defined me. It was controversial & made people slightly uncomfortable, the definition of it was 'a sassy, in your face, confident female' AND it contained the word Kitten (I love cats :D). See being a Sex Kitten has nothing to do with men, or sex, to me. It’s simply about being comfortable with who you are as a woman/girl. Being comfortable with your sexuality and being fine being against the grain. The way i dress has always annoyed people.. It’s too flashy, it’s too sexy, it’s too MUCH for “regular life”, yet I always refused to conform. & why should i? So, I attached that right to be who I am to the name which is why it became instantly important to me and my message.
Fast forward a few years to 2007, I held a show through my dad’s company, where there were important, highly placed people of the business/politics world.. The show was for my dad’s company, that’s why they were there. During my section of the show, I had a massive Sex Kitten sign in glowing lights, I had over 20 dancers catwalking and dancing, styled in cute & sexy SK type clothing, and it was amazing! You can watch the reel of it on the video here. Do you want to know what happened after the show? These highly placed people told my father they couldn’t do business with him if he had any ties to my brand. Why? Because it has the word “sex” in it. The brand could have been called “Dirty Slut” and that would have been fine, but not “Sex Kitten” - Say what?! Needless to say that burst my bubble and I spent all night looking for “alternative” names. But nothing conveyed my message just by the name like Sex Kitten did. I just couldn’t afford to change it.
Since my dad was my financing back then, everything kind of started going downhill. Shit also hit the fan in my family life & the ’07 financial crash really started to hit hard, so without going into details, let’s just say it was a rough time all around for a few years. In 2011, sick of waiting around, sick of noone really believing in my dream, I started all on my own with barely a couple hundred dollars, a sewing machine & my vision. SK skirts were created and the rest is history.
You see I have no doubt in my mind that SK will be an empire. I had a feeling ever since I heard the name and the ideas about the clothing, the messages, the customers, the movement, the parties, have never stopped flowing since. I had a feeling that I shouldn’t change the name, even when I know my site gets blocked because the website starts with “sex..”, when it won’t come up in searches because it contains the word “sex”. Even when certain people, even fashion bloggers, dismiss it & don’t even bother looking at the clothing because of their assumptions of the brand because of the name. It’s all a little disheartening, yes, but it’s irrelevant. Would it be easier to have changed the name? Yes. Do i care? No.
This isn’t about it being “easy”, this is about what - I - want to do, my dream & my vision. We all strive to make that dough, that dinero, that money. Society has made us obsessed with all these things we HAVE to have. We all strive for approval, for fame, for success, but at what cost are you willing to sell out? It’s not all about the money, it’s about satisfaction with yourself. With what YOU are creating in THIS WORLD. That’s true success. True artists - and we are all artists in one way or another - care about their craft. Just like happiness can’t be found “out there”, it’s found inside, success and satisfaction are also found inside.
My advice to you is to LISTEN to your voices. No matter what hurdles may come at you once you follow your dream, you will overcome them because you are fighting for a worthy cause. If you are feeling like a hamster going round & round, question your life. Question everything. And then start shaping it to what you’d like it to be.
There is a reason why most successful people practice meditation. It is self reflection. If you have none of that, you are just going through the motions, with no direction. So wake up. It’s time to start living your life.. Cause right now, there’s a good chance you may just be existing.
Love, Tasha x
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